Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

/ alle projecten

  • Voor jou: artistiek onderzoek als genereuze praktijk
    Voor jou: artistiek onderzoek als genereuze praktijk

    Het thema waar het lectoraat zich de komende jaren op richt is generositeit. Als je genereus bent, dan geef je iets, dan ben je er voor iemand. Generositeit is voor ons kenmerkend voor de Maastrichtse stijl van artistiek onderzoek: de artistiek …

  • Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network (MERIAN)
    Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network (MERIAN)

    MERIAN invites established artists and academics to engage in collaborative research in between making and thinking. Mobilizing the powers and fragilities of artistic and scientific practices, selected candidates engage in research that is problem-based, methodologically innovative, and focuses on interdisciplinary topics …

  • Phd project: Cartopology – Marlies Vermeulen
    Phd project: Cartopology – Marlies Vermeulen

    Architecture and urban planning today are mostly characterized by the use of plans based on standardised notational systems and are therefore inefficient in the representation of specific and local spatial- and usage qualities. Urban space is always used in a …

  • Phd project: Learning from doing research with artists – Inge Römgens
    Phd project: Learning from doing research with artists – Inge Römgens

    Research projects in which artists and academics collaborate are increasingly common. In defense of the added-value of the arts in such collaboratory projects, several arguments may be invoked. For example, artists get invited on a team in order to help …

  • Scriptiekunst – Lectoraten AOK & TDK
    Scriptiekunst – Lectoraten AOK & TDK

    De lectoraten Technology Driven Art en Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten organiseren jaarlijks samen een wedstrijd voor de beste scriptie van de Faculteit van de Kunsten, Scriptiekunst.org. Het doel is een originele en inspirerende aanpak van scripties binnen de faculteit van de Kunsten …

  • MERIAN: Maastricht graduate school for artistic research
    MERIAN: Maastricht graduate school for artistic research

    Zuyd Hogeschool, Maastricht University and the Van Eyck are currently investigating the possibilities of establishing MERIAN: Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network. MERIAN is a Maastricht-based environment for PhD candidates in Maastricht-style artistic research. It will invite established artists …

  • Item project: Border Encyclopaedia – Remy Kroese & Marlies Vermeulen
    Item project: Border Encyclopaedia – Remy Kroese & Marlies Vermeulen

    Through this artistic research project, commissioned by the Research Centre For Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (Zuyd University), A research team led by Remy Kroese and Marlies Vermeulen (Dear Hunter / Institute for Cartopology) is investigating and mapping the different ways …

  • Phd project: Listen closely: Innovating participation In symphonic music – Veerle Spronck
    Phd project: Listen closely: Innovating participation In symphonic music – Veerle Spronck

    In the discourse on symphonic orchestras, problems are prominent: the number of visits is slowly declining, audiences are seen as listening passively, and societal relevance of symphonic music is questioned. Orchestras are seeking ways to innovate their traditional ways of …

  • Phd project: Feeling Techniques, Sensitivities and The Unnatural Body – Ulrike Scholtes
    Phd project: Feeling Techniques, Sensitivities and The Unnatural Body – Ulrike Scholtes

    Ulrike Scholtes is sociaal wetenschapper en artistiek onderzoeker. In haar promotie-onderzoek (universiteit van Amsterdam en AOK) stelt ze de vraag: hoe valt het voelende lichaam te kennen? Ulrike heeft een achtergrond in kunst, antropologie en lichaamswerk (Yoga, Pilates, lichaamsgerichte coaching, …

  • Launch website Artful Participation
    Launch website Artful Participation

    During a final event on Wednesday October 20, MCICM launched the website artfulparticipation.nl. The website showcases the findings of the 4-year project Artful Participation. In the Artful Participation project, funded by the NWO/SIA Smart Culture programme, research has been done …

  • Phd project: Belevingsgerichte Kunst en Kritiek – Frank Mineur
    Phd project: Belevingsgerichte Kunst en Kritiek – Frank Mineur

    Frank Mineur is freelance dramaturg en docent cultuurbeschouwing aan de Toneelacademie. In zijn promotie-onderzoek bij het lectoraat, onderzoekt Frank de opkomst van belevingsgerichte kunstpraktijken en de mogelijkheden voor het functioneren van de kunst in de openbaarheid.

  • Ethics of Artistic Research and Artistic Engagement – Ties Van De Werff
    Ethics of Artistic Research and Artistic Engagement – Ties Van De Werff

    Ethics is an understudied domain within artistic research. Established disciplines (such as the sciences, or specific art fields) often have a shared tradition of exemplary practices (both good and bad), methodological rules and mores, and a code of conduct that …

  • Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM)
    Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM)

    Het Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) is een centrum voor wetenschappelijk en praktijkgericht artistiek onderzoek naar innovatie van de klassieke muziekpraktijk en -onderwijs. Het MCICM is een samenwerkingsverband tussen philharmonie zuidnederland,  de Universiteit Maastricht en Zuyd …

  • Sign up for new elective research studio: [ART]ificial Intelligence
    Sign up for new elective research studio: [ART]ificial Intelligence

    Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy & the Public Sphere, iArts and Research Centre Technology Driven Art present:   [Art]ificial Intelligence new elective course open for all arts students of ZUYD   Are you curious about the ways artificial intelligence and …

  • Artful Participation – Veerle Spronck, Imogen Eve & Ties van de Werff
    Artful Participation – Veerle Spronck, Imogen Eve & Ties van de Werff

    In the 21st century, symphonic music institutions face challenges that endanger their traditional ways of operating. Although symphonic music is widely accessible, it has lost its once leading position in musical culture. In the NWO/SIA-funded Artful Participation-project, the world of …