Call for Projects: ProjectArt / ProjectKunst

The research centres AOK and TDA invite students to apply for ProjectArt / ProjectKunst
This open call is a combined initiative of the Research Centre Technology Driven Art (TDA, Peter Missotten) and the Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy, and the Public Sphere (AOK, Ruth Benschop). explores artistic strategies in dealing with the driving force of technology in art creation. The research group stimulates both the use of new technologies in art creation, as critical attitudes towards this. Engagement and artistic research are the themes of the Research Centre AOK. We develop artistic research as an experimental, intimate ethnography in which systematic sensitivity for the world is fundamental. We stimulate work that explores the riches hidden between opposing clichés about art, society, politics, academia and research. The centre thus functions as an ordinary ánd a contrary part of the Faculty of Arts of Zuyd University.
Both research centres give you – the students – the possibility of developing an art-research project. The aim is to stimulate a researching attitude within artistic creation. Students can propose an artistic project (in any form) in which research plays a part. There are no deadlines. You can enter your project at any moment.
We will co-finance your project for up to 1.500 euro. For this year 2017/18, we will support up to 5 projects. All students can apply at the website You will receive an answer within a month. In the proposal, you should make clear how you want to use the extra financial support. You could for instance use it to buy (research)materials or to hire expertise or coaching.
The jury consists of the two heads of the research centres of the Faculty of Arts Zuyd. All entries will be assessed for substance, originality and diversity of the approach. Also, the heads will assess to what extent the proposals fit the research focus of their research centres. Collaborations between students (and academies) are looked upon favourably.
The projects that receive financial support, are given supervision by the research centres to strengthen the research approach of the projects. During the project, the initiators will meet regularly with a member of the supervising research centre to discuss the progress of the project. After the project is finalized, a documentation of the project will be published by the supervising research centre (online, or perhaps materially as part of a collection of research reports and theses)
For more information, you can contact peter.missotten[at], or ruth.benschop[at]
image © Casper Wortman 2016