Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

SIgn up for Course Artistic Research 2016/17

Course Artistic Research 2016/17

Observing & Documenting: Practicing Artistic Research

This year, the research centres for the arts will again organize a course ‘Artistic Research’ for teachers. The aim is to explore ways in which teachers can both enrich existing art documentation practices amongst students as well as fostering new practices. It aims to support teachers in their supervision of students conducting research projects, creating documentation files and/or writing essays or theses. The assignments combine practical work and theoretical reflection. They invite teachers from the different schools within the Faculty of Arts to explore and enrich their own artistic research practices as a recourse for teaching and supervising students’ artistic research. All teachers are welcome (both with a fixed or temporary position). External interested artists, researchers and master students are also welcome to attend.

The course consists of two two-day workshops. The cost of this course is 500, – and may count as professional development for teachers.

 Location: Herdenkingsplein 12, Maastricht


Peter Missotten:         November 30th & December 1st 2017

Ruth Benschop:          March 22nd & 23rd 2018


For information or signing up, please contact ruth.benschop[at]zuyd.nl or peter.misotten[at]zuyd.nl.