Winners thesis prize 2016/2017
On Monday October 9th, the winners of the thesis prize 2016/2017 TDA/AOK were announced during a lively workshop-event at the Arts Faculty Maastricht.
This year, four thesis prizes of the Faculty of the Arts, Zuyd, year 2016-2017 are awarded to (in no particular
– Aurélie d’Incau – Play and Social Change, A comparison of the notion ‘Play’ in art movements of the
1960s and 21st century culture and its impact on social change
– Hean Kim – The fundamental common ground between all living beings – < FAMILY >
– Skye Young – What’s the Buzz with Honey Bees? Illustrating beekeeper management
– Jessica den Hartog – Recolored, a new way of recycling
This year, also, four encouragement prizes are awarded by the two lectors (in no particular order):
– Bart Bijens – ‘Mijn grootste talent, is dat ik totaal talentloos ben – een lecture performance’
– Giorgia Martinez Pascucci – Multi-sensorial experience: from Villa to Viola
– Sammy Foppen – Asperger en symboliek: De taal van emotie
– Karlijn Krijger – Investigation 8
All winning theses – as well as the winners of the past few years, will be presented at the website The jury report can be downloaded here.
The jury consisted of:
Jasper Coppes, Anne Geene, Marcel van der Klink, Peter Missotten, Arjan de Nooy, en Ruth Benschop
The thesis prize is founded by the two research centres of the Faculty of Arts (Zuyd Hogeschool) to encourage students to make theses (and/or documentations of artistic processes) that do justice to their own artistic practice. Too often, reflection within arts education falls back on semi scientific ideals of validity and objectivity. This removes critical reflexivity from artistic practice. The research centres TDA and AOK support theses, documentations, reflection and research within arts education that are relevant to artistic practice.
Image: “Self Confidence Produces Fine Results”
Deitch Projects, Banana Wall – New York by Stefan Sagmeister