Course Artistic Research by AOK & TDA for upcoming year 2018/2019

Course Artistic Research AOK & TDA 2018/19
Practicing Artistic Research
(November 12 & 13, 2018 + March 25 & 26, 2019)
Ruth Benschop & Peter Missotten
Next year, the two research centres of the Faculty of Arts Maastricht offer the course ‘Artistic Research’. The course introduces participants to the emerging field of artistic research, as it is conceived of in Maastricht. Instead of offering lectures or reading that propose definitions of artistic research, the course starts from the question: What does it mean to actually do artistic research? By looking at, experimenting and thinking with (own and others) ways of practicing artistic research, we develop a non-reductive understanding of a diversity of artistic research approaches.
Two consecutive days of the four-day course are offered by the research centre Technology Driven Art (TDA). They will focus on the role of artistic research in intermedial art projects. What happens when a project crosses the border of one medium into another? And how do artists deal with that? We invite some media artists to talk about the role of research in their day to day art practice.
Two consecutive days of the four-day course are offered by the research centre Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (AOK). They will focus on practicing with engaged artistic research as a way of both sensitizing and calibrating the artist-researcher, as well as creating a relevant, bottom-up discourse to speak about artistic research. These two days make use of the course manual written by Anna Harris, called “Observing & Documenting.”
The course is open to: master students, artists, and art teachers. We welcome all artistic disciplines (e.g. theatre, fine arts, music, design, performance, architecture etcetera), and all teachers from the Faculty of Arts Maastricht are welcome (both with a fixed or temporary position). (For teachers from the Faculty of Arts: The course may count as “deskundigheidsbevordering.”)
The aim of the course is to explore ways in which artists, art students and art teachers can both enrich their existing art documentation practices as well as foster new practices. In the case of teachers, it also aims to support them in their supervision of students conducting research projects, creating documentation files and/or writing essays or theses. The assignments combine practical work and theoretical reflection. The diversity of participants (in disciplines as well as experience) is a recourse for critical reflection and learning though estrangement.
Save the Dates:
TDA two days: November 12 & 13, 2018
AOK two days: March 25 & 26, 2019
Location: To be announced (inner-city Maastricht)
– Attendance of the course is free.
– The study load of the course is around 32 hours (including attendance and individual preparation).
– Language of the course is English, unless all participants are fluent Dutch speakers.
– It is also possible to sign up for one of the two two-day parts of the course or to spread attendance over consecutive years.
– Please sign up by sending an email to: