Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

Thesis prize Faculty of Arts – Winternights Festival Maastricht

Both research centres within the Faculty of the Arts organize an annual contest for the best thesis or documentation of work. The contest is aimed at both bachelor- and master students. The aim is to stimulate an original and inspiring approach to theses within the Faculty of Arts of Zuyd.

This year, the prizes will be awarded during the Winternights Festival in Maastricht. The ceremony takes place on Saturday, 22 December, 18.00h at the Kunstfront, Het Radium (Sphinxkwartier), Cabergerweg 45 in Maastricht.

Winternights presents work-in-progress from talents of the performing arts of today, the forefront of tomorrow: unfinished projects from a-typical makers, artists whose work doesn’t fit in the known disciplines. Choreographs, theatre makers, performers, composers, film makers and visual artists all develop a new visual language through daring projects and mix performance, installation art, dance and theatre.
Winternights is an initiative from SoAP Maastricht, VIA ZUID talentontwikkeling in de podiumkunsten Limburg and C-TAKT.

For more information about the thesis prize, take a look at www.scriptiekunst.org.

For more information about the Winternights Festival, take a look at www.winternights.nl.