Think Thank report UCM & AOK: How to conceptualize ‘quality’ in a ‘collaboratory’ for artistic research?

In the spring of 2019, University College Maastricht (Maastricht University) will pilot a new undergraduate research project, which will be developed in collaboration with the Research Centre AOK (Faculty of the Arts of Zuyd Hogeschool). In this Artistic Research Project (supported by a Comenius grant) the focus is on art practice as research. The last couple of weeks, a Think Tank of the University College Maastricht (UCM), under coordination of Wilfred van Dellen and Inge Römgens, has delivered a very interesting report about “Constructive Alignment in the Artistic Research Project”, in which they provide recommendations on the problem of how to conceptualize and assess quality in the UCM course “Artistic Research Project”. Our research centre was one of the “clients” in this project. It was a very fruitful collaboration and the recommendations will be used in the Comenius project next year.