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E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
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Remy Kroese & Marlies Vermeulen present at symposium on borders and public health

On November 22nd, an interesting symposium takes place at our colleagues of the health faculty at Maastricht University. Remy and Marlies (Dear Hunter) are presenting some findings of their Border Encyclopedia project. See the program below. If you want to attend, please send an email to a.kamenshchikova@maastrichtuniversity.nl.

Ethnographics and statistics of global traveling practices, multiple borders, infectious diseases: Challenges for public health knowledge infrastructures, public health policies and public health interventions

Small Symposium/Seminar University Maastricht

Friday 22 November, Eiffelgebouw , Boschstraat, Maastricht (11.00-17.00h)
10.30 Coffee & Vlaai

11.00 Welcome Klasien Horstman (Prof. Philosophy of Public Health) & Christian Hoebe (Prof. Infectious diseases control)

11.15 Komatra Chuengsatiansup (Medical anthropologist, medical doctor, Director of the Society and Health Institute, which is part of the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand) Borders, medical geography and the new epidemiological imagination

12.00 John Penders (ass. Prof. Medical Microbiology)
Global travel, borders and AMR

12.45 Marlies Vermeulen, Remy Kroese (Research Centre Autonomy and Community Arts, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Directors of Dear Hunter)
Border Encyclopaedia. Ethnographic-artistic work to map productive borders and do justice to them on maps.

13.15 Lunch

14.00 Henriette van Waarbeek (Dep. Infectious Diseases Control, Public Health South Limburg)
Cross border infectious disease prevention in the EU region

14.30 Volker Hackert (Dep. Infectious Diseases Control, Public Health South Limburg)
Q fever and the Dutch-German border

15.00 Alena Kamenshchikova (PhD Philosophy and sociology of AMR)
Theorizing AMR/global traveling

15.30 Tea/coffee

16.00 Reflections

16.45 – 17.00 Klasien Horstman & Christian Hoebe
Closing – Multiple borders and paradigms of change in global public health