Upcoming Kenniskring, May 9th: Meeting MERIAN

Meeting MERIAN
The Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy, and the Public Sphere & the Hubert van Eyck Academie invite you to Meeting MERIAN.
May 9th 2019 15:00 – 17:00
Auditorium Van Eyck
Academieplein 1, Maastricht
Interested in PhDs in the arts? Curious about third cycle artistic research the Maastricht way? On May 9th we will introduce MERIAN: the Maastricht Experimental Research In and through the Arts Network. An initiative to try and think through a Maastricht environment for third cycle artistic research. MERIAN is thought as a ‘collaboratory’ between the initiating partners: Zuyd Hogeschool (Faculty of Arts Maastricht, Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy, and the Public Sphere), Maastricht University (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and University College Maastricht) and the Jan van Eyck Academie. This meeting is open for teachers and students from the Faculty of the Arts, Zuyd and to participants and staff from the Jan van Eyck Academie.
15h00-15h15: Welcome and introduction MERIAN by Dr. Ruth Benschop (Reader of the Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere) and Pieternel Fleskens (Head of Hubert van Eyck Academie)
15h15-15h45: Presentation about the Maastricht ‘style’ of artistic research by Marlies Vermeulen (Dear Hunter & Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere)
15h45-16h00: Presentation by Ulrike Scholtes (Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere Zuyd and University of Amsterdam)
16h00-16h15: Presentation by Antye Guenther (Visual artist and Jan van Eyck alumna)
16h15-17h00: Discussion and wrap-up
Information about the speakers:
Ulrike Scholtes is social scientist and artistic researcher studying ways to know the feeling body. Deriving from a triple background in arts, anthropology and movement practices, she researches practices that train bodies to become sensitive and people to become body aware. These (what she calls) “feeling techniques” derive from body practices such as yoga, Pilates, somatics, Feldenkrais, haptonomy, physical therapy, dance and physical theater. Conducting her PhD research at the Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere Zuyd and University of Amsterdam, she researches how so-called “implicit” ways of knowing – tacit knowledge, sensitivity, intuition etc – can be learned, practiced and articulated. Exploring methods of teaching, notation and mediation, she works on destabilizing dualities such as body and mind, intuition and technique, knowledge and sensitivity, artistic and scientific.
Marlies Vermeulen is co-founder of the spatial-anthropological practice Dear Hunter (http://www.dearhunter.eu) in which she produces alternative maps and atlases through periods of participant observation. In her PhD, she reflects on this specific field of expertise distilling a new discipline called ‘cartopology’ in collaboration with the research centre for arts, autonomy and the public sphere at Hogeschool Zuyd, Maastricht University, and RWTH Aachen. Cartopology combines anthropological fieldwork with cartographical techniques to document and notate space. Building on the premise that hidden knowledge (Hirschauer, 2007) can be discovered, transferred and modelled into space on maps, it adds an extra layer of mapped local qualities within the field of architecture and urban planning.Simultaneously, Marlies teaches ‘cartopology’ at the faculty of architecture at the RWTH Aachen, Zuyd Hogeschool and the KULeuven.
Antye Guenther is a visual artist based in Rotterdam and Brussels and currently an associate researcher at a.pass. Her artistic practise is theory based, but materially grounded, and deals with themes like (non)biological intelligence and supercomputing, enhancement and posthumanism, technological developments in neoliberal societies and science fiction. Being raised in Rostock, former East Germany, and Moscow, former Soviet Union, she is using her backgrounds in medicine, photography and in the military to investigate e.g. computer-brain-analogies, neuroimagery and scientific representations of cognitive processes, fantasies of self-optimisation and mind control.