Yearly Symposium: DOING FIELDNOTES, March 13th
The yearly symposium of the Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy & the Public Sphere (lectoraat AOK, Zuyd Hogeschool) takes place on Wednesday March 13, Herdenkingsplein 12. The theme of this year’s symposium is:
Sharing experiences and challenges of making and translating fieldnotes
This one-day symposium focusses on a theme that most of us encounter in our research: making field notes. Our researchers do ethnography in a wide range of contexts: from educational settings in art classes to classical music rehearsals, urban spaces or discussion meetings. How to turn observations in these contexts into valuable field notes? And how do these different practices shape the kinds of field notes we take? During the day (from 10.30h to 16h), we will share experiences, discuss and question ways of making jottings, turning them into field notes, and ways of analysing them.
Want to attend? Please send an email to ties.vandewerff[at]!
11.00-11.15 Welcome (Ties van de Werff, AOK)
11.15-11.45 Inge Römgens (UCM): Researching research in the Research Studio
11.45-12.15 Martine de Rooij (AOK): Triple turned in ceramics class
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.30 Veerle Spronck (FASoS): How to observe a concert? Considering the ethnographic ear
13.30-14.00 Marlies Vermeulen & Remy Kroese (Dear Hunter/AOK): Fieldnotes in cartopological maps.
14.00-14.30 Break
14.30-15.00 Sarah Anschütz (FASoS): Ethnographic research with young people: experiences and challenges with writing fieldnotes
15.00-15.30 Ulrike Scholtes (UvA/AOK): Putting bodily knowledge to paper – on drawing as a practice-specific way of thinking?
15.30-16.00 Discussion
16.00-17.00 Drinks