Invitation research meeting AOK February 6th: ITEM presentation by Marlies Vermeulen en Remy Kroese

Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere presents:

February 6, 15h-17h
Kleine auditorium (Academy of Architecture), Arts Faculty Maastricht
Herdenkingsplein 12
“With the infamous “official” map of the Euroregio Maas-Rijn (EMR) as our starting point, we set out to develop a better way of representing that one obvious thing that gives a border region its specificity: the border. We would now like to introduce The Grid to you. This is a new mapping tool to investigate the performativity of borders. In the midst of testing sessions (ateliers) in Venlo (right before this meeting) and Helsinki (following soon after), we are curious to hear your thoughts on border representation. In the coming months we will finalize our ‘autonomous filter machine’ with which we can share the Grid with a wider audience. In this interactive session, we are looking forward to hearing your input on the Grid, as well as on our plans on documenting and presenting the final outcome of this special project.”
In our upcoming research meeting, Marlies Vermeulen and Remy Kroese (Dear Hunter) will present their work in the ITEM-project Productive Borders. They will present, share and evaluate their progress & process with you. See the attached image for a glimpse of their work. The talk will be in English. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join.
About the kenniskring
The research centre regularly organizes so-called kenniskring meetings (research meetings). In these meetings, we invite artists, scholars, performers, designers, and other makers to share their work. The meetings are open to all students, teachers, and artistic researchers from all of our arts faculties, as well as those from other institutions who are interested.
About the research centre
How does art become relevant? And what does it mean to claim that artists create knowledge? Engagement and artistic research are the themes of the Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (Lectoraat Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten). We develop artistic research as an experimental, intimate ethnography in which systematic sensitivity for the world is fundamental. We stimulate work that explores the riches hidden between opposing clichés about art, society, politics, academia and research. The centre thus functions as an ordinary ánd a contrary part of the art faculties at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.