Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

Let us introduce: Karoly Molina

Hello! My name is Karoly Molina and I will be assisting the MERIAN board. MERIAN is a Maastricht-based network for PhD candidates in artistic research.


I am looking forward to supporting the board with organizational tasks as well as PhD candidates navigating FASoS and UCM at Maastricht University, the Jan van Eyck Academy and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. My roles will be varied and sometimes spontaneous as MERIAN is in its first year.


In addition to my work at MERIAN, I am also research assistant at the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music. My tasks are predominantly to support the centre’s research.

MERIAN is a collaboration between:



For further information about MERIAN, please contact info@merianmaastricht.nl.