Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

Research studio ‘Designing Life/Designing Dialogue’ at ELIA Biennial 2020

This week the ELIA Biennial ‘Expanding the Arts’ starts. ELIA is a European platform for higher arts education institutions. During the bienniale, arts and academia, producers and practitioners, students and teachers present interesting work in higher arts education.

This year, Nina Willems & Ties van de Werff will give a presentation on their research studio of last year: Designing Life/Designing Dialogue. They will introduce the concept of the research studio (as educational method), and present their experiences of teaching artistic engagement through theatre skills online. See below for a short abstract.

To attend the bienniale, you need to register (and pay a fee). The talk of Nina and Ties takes place on Friday November 20th, 10.00h (CET).

Teaching Artistic Engagement: Zoom as performative space
Nina Willems & Ties van de Werff

How to teach art students to meaningfully engage with complex and emerging scientific developments? Using methods of artistic research, ethnography and theatre, we developed a research studio in which both teachers and students explored the creation of an online artistic space for imagining the implications of designing a microbe: Pseudomonas Putida.