Lectoraat What Art Knows
Herdenkingsplein 12
↳ Lectoraatskamer 0.11

E whatartknows@zuyd.nl
T +31 (0)43 346 6365

UCM Think Tank on promoting research integrity

During six weeks in May-June, a group of students of University College Maastricht (UCM) worked on an issue relevant for the research centre: how to promote research integrity for Maastricht-style artistic research within the research centre? In the Project “Think Tank”, students focus their multidisciplinary background on a real social (or corporate) issue presented by an external client, and propose a solution in the form of a policy recommendation. The research centre acted as a client.

In a relatively short time, helped by our own relfections on artistic research ethics during our symposium (that took place around the same time), the students were able to come up with a nuanced understanding of the issue (how to translate the principles of the integrity code to the specific situation of artistic research practices), and some very concrete and helpful policy recommendations. Their findings will help us in developing our own ethical artistic research instrument the coming year.

You can download their presentation and their report here.