Presentation Tamara Witschge, June 1st: Making a difference with media

The Research Centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere presents:
Tuesday June 1st, 2021, 15u-17u:
Making a difference with media
Tamara Witschge
Lector Creative Media for Social Change (Amsteram University of Applied Sciences)
Sander Hölsgens
As practice-based researchers, we can act in solidarity with makers who aspire to effect social change. In this conversation Sander and Tamara share their experiences using artistic research methods in the domain of media research. They draw on their recent joint research into journalism and documentary makers, with an emphasis on care, solidarity, and activism.
Open to all (incl. students) and registration not necessary, meeting takes place in Teams
The research centre for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere (AOK), embedded in all Zuyd’s art academies, is focused on two themes: artistic research and engagement in the arts. More info on