Video of the launch of the Border Encyclopedia
On Dec. 1st, 2020, the Border Encyclopedia has been ‘officially’ launched during a small event. A selected group of participants executed and discussed a Border Crossing Act and invited speakers introduced various views on borders and the relevance of the Encyclopedia. See below for a video that summarizes the project, and a video of the presentation Ruth Benschop gave at the event.
About Border Encyclopedia
Looking closely at maps of border regions, only simple lines cover the complexity, diversity and constant shifting character of the inner borders of the EU member states. Border Encyclopredia is an attempt to find other ways of representing the (local) manifestation of borders, in order to create a multiplicity or pluriformity which adds up to a richer palette, thus doing more justice to the richness and complexity of border regions and their raison d’être.
During two years of collaborati ve fieldwork in different European border regions, we developed new cartopological tools to reveal the performativity of Europe’s intemal borders. The basis of this is the doing of Border Crossing Acts (BCA’s). In addition, we developed the BCA-Navigator, an autonomous instrument that archives BCA’s and enables to discover and re-organise the various border manifestations.
Border Encyclopedia is a project by Dear Hunter, together with the research centre & ITEM.