/ nieuws overzicht
Poets je wandelschoenen op, ijk je kompas en maak de avonturier in jezelf wakker! Tijdens het laatste weekend van augustus vindt CORRECTIONVILLE #02 plaats op HX Hoogcruts in Noorbeek. CORRECTIONVILLE #02 is de tweede editie van een ‘festi-ville’ waar de … ↗
Lectoraatsplan 2022-2028
Na een succesvolle visitatie in 2021 – waar het lectoraat is beoordeeld als excellent! – zijn we bezig geweest met onze toekomstplannen. We maakten een zesjarenplan voor het lectoraat, dat inmiddels is goedgekeurd door het CvB. Wat gaat het lectoraat … ↗
Invitation to MERIAN Launch Event
We would like to kindly invite you to launch of the Maastricht Experimental Research in and Through the Arts Network (MERIAN) on 24 May 2022 at 14:30 at the Jan van Eyck Academie. During this event, we will share information about MERIAN … ↗
Invitation to MERIAN launch event, May 24
We would like to kindly invite you to launch of the Maastricht Experimental Research in and Through the Arts Network (MERIAN) on 24 May 2022 at 14:30 at the Jan van Eyck Academie. During this event, we will share information about MERIAN … ↗
Artist Talks in de Toneelacademie – een initiatief van lectoraat Technology-driven Art
ARTIST TALKS & PERFORMANCES ELKE MAANDAGAVOND 16 mei – 6 juni, om 20u00 in de Toneelacademie, Maastricht performance-maastricht.org een initiatief van technolgydrivenart.org 16 MEI: PIERRE BASTIEN 23 MEI: JULIEN MAIRE 30 MEI: NICKY ASSMANN 6 JUNI: MARK POŽLEP Pierre Bastien … ↗
Glitter Curtain Brain Stool Broken Mould Reflective Suit
Performance series, episode one. 2022 Premiering: 2nd of May 2022, 5pm CET. Followed by a Q & Q session at approx 6pm CET. Location: Auditorium, Jan van Eyck Academie Maastricht / The Netherlands. In the first chapter of her … ↗
Onderzoeksatelier: De stem van de ander
Het Lectoraat Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten organiseert samen met de regieopleiding van de Toneelacademie het onderzoeksatelier De stem van de ander. In dit onderzoeksatelier ontmoeten en voeden makende en onderzoekende vaardigheden elkaar. Het atelier is gericht op vragen … ↗
MCICM Seminar – guest speaker Sam Weller
The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music would like to invite you to our April seminar where Sam Weller will give a presentation titled ‘Blow it Up, Start Again.’ A short abstract and bio of the speaker is … ↗
MCICM Symposium 2022
The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) will host its next symposium on 21 and 22 April 2022. The symposium titled ‘Borderlands: Classical Music and Society’ seeks to critically examine the area of interaction between classical music and society, exploring initiatives that seek to … ↗
Results of Mingler Scholarship 2020: Bacteria & Borders
The project ‘Bacteria & Borders’ is a collaboration between cartopologists, Marlies Vermeulen and Remy Kroese, and qualitative social scientists, Alena Kamenshchikova and Klasien Horstman. This artistic research project started with an ambition to challenge the epidemiologically driven vision of graphs … ↗
Letters from Rita Hoofwijk on the Three-day-writing retreat 2022 – ‘How others Write’
The Research center for Arts, Autonomy and the Public Sphere organized its annual writing retreat from the 15-17th March 2022. Students, teachers, artists, artistic researchers participated in writing as research. The Research center invited artist Rita Hoofwijk to write with … ↗
Research Meeting by MERIAN PhD candidate Antye Guenther
Unfolding 3D-Rendered Neuroimaginaries — A Trans*Feminist Artistic Investigation by Antye Guenther. On the 22nd of March 2022, from 15:00 – 17:00, MERIAN PhD candidate Antye Guenther will welcome us in her studio at the Jan van Eyck Academie. She would … ↗
Mingler Bacteria & Borders
Marlies Vermeulen (promovendus bij het lectoraat Autonomie en Openbaarheid in de Kunsten en docent-onderzoeker van het Maastricht Institute of the Arts) ontving samen met Universiteit Maastricht hoogleraar filosofie van de gezondheidszorg Klasien Horstman het Mingler Scholarship 2020 voor hun project … ↗
Research meeting by Marlies Vermeulen – building an integral artistic research practice
Marlies Vermeulen is a member of AOK and a MERIAN PhD Candidate. She writes: Even though artistic research argues that borders between research, practice and other fields are less rigid than is often thought, I often find myself defining them: … ↗