New publication ‘Classical Music Futures: Practices of Innovation’

We are happy to announce the publication of an edited collection titled ‘Classical Music Futures: Practices of Innovation.’ In this collection, initiated by the Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music, contributing authors show how contrasting ideas of the future of classical music can effect change in the present. The volume offers theoretical and practical contributions, ranging from conference roundtable transcripts, practice-based research papers, reflections on concert experiments by organizers, diary entries, and polemics. The edited collection has been published by Open Book Publishers based in the UK and is open access.
To download a copy of the book, please visit
MCICM is a collaboration between Maastricht University (UM), philharmonie zuidnederland and Zuyd University for Applied Sciences (research centre What Art Knows and the Conservatory). The centre aims to study the dynamics behind changing classical music practices and their societal contexts and to actively shape classical music futures. To do so, the MCICM will combine academic research on innovation of performance practices with artistic research to renew classical music practices and music education in artistically relevant ways.